Category Archives: Miscellaneous

Jumping Squats…

From 11182008

…are done by explosively extending the hips while directing the force through the heels. If done properly you will go airborne, kind of like Ralph S. above.

No Classes this Weekend!

Rogue Fitness will be hosting the CrossFit level 1 certification seminar this weekend. So there will be no classes this Saturday or Sunday. The Rogue Running Team will be in action though. The RRT will meet at Sharon Woods at the Maple Grove Picnic Area at 11 am Sunday.

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2000 meters AGAIN!?!?! Yes my friends…

…and that was just the “skill/strength” session! Many or our new members, straight out of the Elements program, got their first taste of the 2000 meter row time trial. And in true Rogue style they pulled the 2000 meters with everything they had well knowing that there was still a “WOD” waiting for them after they finished. Not many people have the intestinal fortitude (guts) to become a Rogue member. But the folks that do become part of the Rogue team truly know and understand that it takes hard work to reach your goals, fitness related or not.>

Check these out!

The Rogue “Hand Grenade” is pretty darn cool if we do say so ourselves. The t-shirts can be had for $20 and the long sleeve thermal $30. If you would like one or two we can put them on your gym account for you.

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Rogue Weightlifting Club's first workout was today.

The Rogue Weightlifting Club RWLC is open to all Rogue athletes. Participation will be the key to its success. RWLC workouts are focused solely on the Olympic lifts, the Snatch and the Clean & Jerk with an emphasis on technique first and big weight second. We know that the big weights will come once the athletes have a firm grasp of the technique required to be successfull in weightlifting. Now don’t get us wrong, we will be lifting heavy. Saturdays will be max lift days where we will find our max in any one or more of the lifts we use in Weightlifting. And stay tuned for our first Personal Record (PR) event which will be a max day that will be run much like a Weightlifting competition. The friends, family of the lifters and fellow Rogue Athletes will be encouraged to attend. There will be food and drink afterwards and who knows, maybe even awards.

Check these out!

The Rogue “Hand Grenade” is pretty darn cool if we do say so ourselves. The t-shirts can be had for $20 and the long sleeve thermal $30. If you would like one or two we can put them on your gym account for you.

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New Rogue shirts are in!

Check these out! The Rogue “Hand Grenade” is pretty darn cool if we do say so ourselves. The t-shirts can be had for $20 and the long sleeve thermal $30. If you would like one or two we can put them on your gym account for you.

Remember the Class schedule has changed!!!

Starting the this week we have added several slots to our schedule. As always you can go to the “Calendar” link above to see a full list of the class times. Also our evening time slots have been moved up by a half an hour. For example the 5:30 PM class now begins at 5 PM. And finally the Saturday 10 AM class will be moved to 12 PM after the CrossFit certification seminar, November 22nd – 23rd.

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Fight Gone Bad 300.

We have been preparing the troops for the upcoming Fight Gone Bad III fundraiser. Everyone has stepped up the intensity and has been doing a great job in the workouts. Today we added a little Spartan 300 flavor to FGB, and everyone knocked it out of the park.

We will be hosting FGB Saturday, September 27th in the Buckeye Lot down on the OSU campus. If you are interested you can sign up at Rogue or at the Fight Gone Bad III official website. Remember when you register to join the Rogue Team! If you forget to register before the 27th that’s ok! Come on out, donate $20 on site, and you can still participate! We hope to see you there!!!

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Back to the Basics!

Every once in awhile it is good to take everyone here at Rogue back to the basics. All Levels went step by step through some of our lifts just to make sure everyone is where they need to be. As always, all of our athletes have made some major improvements and made all of the trainers here very proud. Great job tonight everyone, you made all of us smile!! Keep up the great work.

To sign up for the Rogue Elements program go to the Elements program page.

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A "Filthy" Labor Day at Rogue…

…”Filthy” as in “Filthy Fifty” that is! The Rogue athletes started off their Labor day with a “doozy” of a workout. For many of the athletes this was their first experience with the infamous “Filthy Fifty”. Every single one of them completed the workout. One of our athletes was having a tough time with it. The coaches told him that it would be “ok” if he wanted to stop. He told us that he wanted to finish it regardless and finish he did.

It takes a certain kind of individual to come in to Rogue, day after day, to work as hard as we expect our athletes to work. Not only do our athletes do the work but they do it willingly. And they all are reaping the rewards of their efforts no doubt by becoming stronger, faster, and leaner.

See you all tomorrow for some more!

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Fall is closing in.

Coach Burgener with some footage from the Olympic Lifting events at the 2008 Olympics!

What a great day to workout. The weather has been great this week, it is starting to feel more like fall. Everyone had the chance to get outside and enjoy the fresh air. Keep up the hardwork!

All you Buckeye Fans out there know that this weekend begins the 2008 football season. To make sure we get everyone home in time for kickoff, the Saturday workout with be at 10AM. We will have one athlete pick a card from the Hopper Deck, which contains 54 different workouts! The winner gets a free Rogue t-shirt. See you Saturday…GO BUCKS!

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What is in a name?

Whenever we have a workout with a name to it, our athletes know they are in for a good time. It may be the name of one of our athletes, trainers, or just something from a movie, but they all have their own special twist. Everyone walked in with a smile on their face, and with the exception of some sweat, they had the same look leaving! Great job tonight everyone!

Rogue Running Team…make sure you are getting your weekly workouts in. We will see everyone Sunday at 11. If you are interested in the running team email

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Today's workout included the dumbbell snatch…

…a move that is new to most of the Rogue athletes. Regardless the Rogue warriors met the workout head on and put forth maximum effort. 


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