RPG – The meanest pullup and ring system in the world!

The RPG includes the following:

1) Portable Pullup Bar – Made in the USA and you can hang a tank from it

2) Set of Rogue rings – These rings are guaranteed against breaking for life! Tig welded beauties, made by hand. No other ring manufacturer can say that they hand crafted their rings except for the OG wood rings. We don’t buy them by the crate, we make them one by one in Columbus, OH

3) Set of Rogue Straps – Straps designed not to cut into your arms and a buckle system designed for ease of setup


You can hang this system from a tree branch or in your garage.  The straps can be used with the bar and the rings.

From Rogue Factory Store


We carry the 20, 14 & 8LB variants in Black with Grey as pictured above in our warehouse – They ship within 24 hours!  If you want to custom color the med balls they will be finished in less than a week and out the door.

We are able to keep the supply line full since they are made in the US.  The medicine balls are made with recycled materials.  This is a proven piece of equipment used by nearly every collegiate and professional athletic department.

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Get excited – New Rogue Squat Stands

From New Rogue Equipment

The goal was not to make a set of stands you can buy on ebay, it was to make the best stands at an acceptable price. This stand was made entirely in Columbus, OH. Here are some features:

1) Choice Olive Drab or Black Uprights

2) HD Steel Construction

3) Adjustments from shrugs to press for very tall people

If you own this you will be the coolest guy on the block, add a Rogue bar and bumpers and you will be ready to kill it.

More pics to follow………..

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Do you have your Barbell Tshirt?

From Rogue TShirts

This tshirt was designed after the York Barbell tshirts from the 1950’s.  We may be the new guys on the block but we use the same tools that have been proven time and time again.

The Rogue Tshirt is made with American Apparel tshirts, classic track t shirt.

We continue to support American made apparel and equipment when we can.  If you have ever had one of these American Apparel tshirts then you probably wear it pretty often.  Here is a brief explanation of how Rogue gear works:

1) Rogue Shoes  – 10HP extra

2) Rogue Bar – 15HP extra

3) Rogue Tshirt – 5HP extra

If you have these 3 items you should step on the dyno because you are guaranteed to lift more and move faster!

If you live in the midwest, it is worth the drive to stop into Columbus, OH and get factory direct pricing without paying for shipping.

Rogue Fitness – High Speed Low Drag

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The infamous "Row Face". Much like the "War Face" but…

…much more entertaining!

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How do you know it is Rogue?

From USMC Semper Fit

This tab will be on all Rogue Equipment. It means that you can depend on this equipment and that you can immediately put them in your will to your grandchildren because they will still be around. There may be some nicks or scrapes but that is just character.

This bench was fabricated in Columbus, OH by the Maclean crew. The bench tops are built with HD foam and Olive Drab stitching. You could literally do a 3000LB skull crusher on this bench or a 600LB Bench. This is only one of many pieces of equipment that we are releasing in January. Check out these monster plyoboxes all the way up to 30″. You could command an Army from atop the tallest box. Again they were built in Columbus and once the tops are on them they will be the most wicked plyoboxes in the business.

From USMC Semper Fit

No they aren’t tapered and yes they all nest together in a 30″X30″ space. Each box is topped with a 3/4″ piece of plywood and a 1/4″ piece of rubber. They are sweet and have our signature textured powder coat.

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Rogue Bumpers Shipping within 24 Hours!

From Rogue Factory Store

We are unloading the truck now with all the Rogue Bumpers, we will fill all the orders right away. As you can see in the background we have a ton of the Rogue Bars – Guaranteed for Life against bending.

We will be releasing pictures of the new equipment over the next week and we aren’t waiting on the container from tim buck two, we are waiting on the equipment to powder coated in Columbus, OH.  Each piece is powder coated to the Rogue Spec, you will not find it anywhere else.

We make our UPS guy stronger and he doesn’t even have to come into our gym!

The Pendlay bars are still on backorder but we hope to have them done in the next week, the wave of inventory is nearing.

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What does cool look like?

From USA

Looks like this piece of American Steel waiting to be used in the snow!  I can’t wait to get this thing out for a little all wheel driving now that I figured out how to use the windshield wipers!

From USA

Looks like these Legend GHD’s with Gun Metal upholstery staged for the US Marine Corps!

The Rogue Factory store offers direct pricing and the ability to pickup directly from our warehouse in Columbus, Ohio.

From USA

The new Rogue Monster PlyoBoxes, which is just one of many new products around the corner!

We are still running the Free Shipping on Dynamax Med Balls also made in the USA!

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Rogue Warriors doing it Rogue style!

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Rogue Weighlifting Shoes

From Rogue Shoes

Ever thought about the shoes that you wear to the gym? Of course you have. You’ve actually spent some time thinking about which shoes to wear, and you probably have a pair designated as your ‘gym shoes’. How did those shoes earn that illustrious title and serve such a noble purpose? Suitability for the task? Performance enhancement? Safety? Not usually. Comfort and looks seem to be the main criteria associated with gym shoe choice. This is a problem if your training includes any free weights at all. Most of us would never consider wearing a pair of Bruno Magli’s to play racquetball. They are built to look good, not to perform well on the court. While this may be obvious to some, many of us will make an equally poor footwear decision and wear running shoes to the gym to lift weights.

From Rogue Shoes

Click here to get the Starting Strength book!

Proper footwear in the gym is important, especially if you are lifting free weights. When we lift weights we want two things to happen: (1) all the force our body produces under the bar should contribute to moving the weight and (2) the weight needs to be controlled in a safe manner. If we lift in a running shoe, it’s akin to trying to lift while standing on a giant marshmallow. The soles of the running shoes, the marshmallow, will absorb and dissipate a large amount of the force generated against the floor that should be directed towards moving the weight. A gel or air cell shoe is a great thing for reducing the impact shock that causes the repetitive use injuries associated with running. But in the weight room, shoes should provide for the efficient transmission of power between the bar and the ground. You can’t lift as much weight in the wrong shoes.

PHD Lon Kilgore and Mark Rippetoe

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See if you see someone like you in this video!

I Am CrossFit Affiliate Challenge from CrossFit Central on Vimeo.

CrossFit Central put this video together from their affiliate in Austin.  I think it is a very good example of regular people that want to be better at life.

What are you doing this year?  If any of the following characteristics describe you then Rogue is the place for you to train:

1) I like to work hard because I know it will pay off

2) I enjoy team work to attain goals

3) I don’t like to do the same boring treadmill workout every day

4) I am tired of mirrors and bs equipment, I just want old school workouts

5) I want to be led in my pursuit of optimal fitness

All you have to do is fill out the contact form to sign up for Elements 1 and you will see if our program is for you.  We have a professional team of trainers from various military and sports backgrounds.  Some days you will get a kick in the butt and other days you will receive elite level sports training.  Your day will range from Olympic Weightlifting to gymnastics movements.  Try something new!

Troy Taylor started a Rogue Fitness group on FaceBook, join the community for group events!

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