The Sunday Crew, we learned swings, snatches, wood choppers, Turkish Getups and Battling Ropes
For those of you interested in kettebells and the classes, stop in on Sunday for a class!
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The Sunday Crew, we learned swings, snatches, wood choppers, Turkish Getups and Battling Ropes
For those of you interested in kettebells and the classes, stop in on Sunday for a class!
Some pics from the workout, there were a few smiles at the end!
These were my thoughts after the class put me through it!
We donated our money to HyperFit’s fund: They raised over $20,000 for the cause. Look for us to be in full swing next year
3 Rounds of 1 Minute each station with a one minute rest at between each round. This workout simulates a UFC fight 3 – 5 Minute Rounds
Wall Ball – 20lbs 10′ Target
Sumo Deadlift High Pull – 75lbs
Box Jumps – 20″ Box Jump but we used 24″ woops
Push Press – 75lbs
Row – For calories
Tally up all the reps and here are the results! They would have been higher had we used a 20″ box
J – 428 this is absolutely unreal
Bill – 315
Eric – 299 so close ha ha
Chuck – 246 he is closing in on 300
Van – 241 first time at Rogue, pretty impressive
Angie – 198 this is awesome
Brian – 175 making much progress
Angie getting some slam balls at the Friday night workout! All of the new folks this week have been outstanding.
Cara is right on J’s heels, J has an open challenge for anyone to beat his times.
See everyone tomorrow at Noon and Sunday for a Russian kettlebell workout. We have kettlebells for everyone, we scale to everyone.
Tomorrow the instructors will do a workout designed by the students, it doesn’t look pleasant!
Not even a power outage can stop Rogue Fitness! Today we did a grinder of a workout with a few of our members using the C2 Rower, the single best piece of cardio equipment known to man.
Kevin showing how its done.
More great intensity!
J brought his mother out and was killing the workout alongside some Marines. One hardcore mom!
Classes are really starting to fill out and there is getting to be some great competition!
This week is focusing on heavier weights and higher intensity, which increases strength and conditioning while preserving cardio performance. Keep it up everyone!
Eric & Jake putting in some work this weekend. Jake plans to be a Navy SEAL when he graduates in 2 years, I think he may be in the right place!
Eric already got his pilot slot, we are very big supporters of the ROTC programs. We have a fun week planned, see all of you here!
We had a really nice turnout for our Friday workout. The times were extremely competitive, with the best overall time going to J with a 16:00, and Jenni with an 18:06 nice work! The times are amazing overall, all 18 rogue members cleared in under 23:00.
Keep up the good work
Remember to hit the Saturday pre-game workout from 930AM-1030AM
Welcome to all of our new members joining this week! The secret seems to be getting out since we have seen lots of new people in this week. Today alone, we had four new victims, I mean clients, in trying out a workout based around the Turkish Get-Up, a very functional exercise involving standing up….with a lot of weight locked out overhead.
Today we had a very challenging workout for our Firebreathers in the night class. Combining the best of Olympic Weightlifting, Kettlebells, and basic Gymnastics, the workout provided a very powerful stimulus for positive change in these athlete’s bodies. Allowing us to train in ways unparalleled by any other training system, we are able to increase strength, power, stamina, and mental toughness all in one session.