Caity Matter and Jason Khalipa took the number one slot with noone even having them on their radar. I can speak for Caity that she worked extremely hard and had the best support group on Earth. Our Rogue clients welcomed us with banners, flowers and beverages.
Everyone stepped up and pulled the weight of 3 people! Andrea manned/womaned the store, and this is no small feat. Eddie and Cara kicked butt in class. Their efforts allowed us not to miss a beat!
There is a buzz around here, we added 8 new team members on Monday! Our ranks are full of people from all walks of life, the only common thread is that they are willing to work hard to achieve results.
We cater to a certain cross section of folks, they aren’t a certain gender, age, ethnic background, education level etc … they are just folks that want to make a change in their life! They have all earned their spot at Rogue Fitness.
We start a new training revolution every Monday at 11AM, 430PM & 730PM, email Troy to secure your spot: troy@roguefitness.com