Category Archives: Workouts

Overhead Squat Awesomeness

This week we have been focusing on increasing functional strength through the core lifts. What are the core lifts? Well, the squat, deadlift, and press variations form the backbone for all athletic improvement. Not only that, but they also are the most potent way to strengthen the abdominal muscles, obliques, and lower back. Together they are commonly referred to as the body’s “core”. Notice we are not doing crunches, wallowing around on Swiss balls, or hopping around on one leg. This is real, fundamental, core strength. The kind that supports a 1000lb back squat or the ability to remain functional well past your seventies. Pictured below are some of our members learning the Overhead Squat (aka the OHS), the king of core exercises.



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Classes Full Again

After a seemingly sparse week, everyone is back and attacking the Boot Camp Workouts! It was great to see so many people back from their vacations and stepping up the intensity. Pictures speak for themselves…so here you go (don’t mind the chalk on the camera lens):




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Russian Kettlebell Class

Learning the Turkish Get Up
Garrett was making sweat angels and in the process tie-dyed one of our kettlebells
Look forward to more Russian Kettlebell Classes in the near future. We will have Columbus juggling kettlebells by Christmas.

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Take a look back at our Park Workouts

This is a video of one of our group workouts at Franklin Park in Bexley. Since this video we have certified Eric as a CrossFit trainer and Troy & I are now Russian Kettlebell instructors. For those of you that have come in, the movements look much different now. We will be going to a park in September for a Rogue 5K that will be pretty nuts, so look forward to the details as we put it together.

Many of the people you see in the video are members at Rogue now, the improvements they have made are astonishing. Most noteably, Brian is a machine now after his fundamentals training.

Come in and experience the most unique training in the Columbus area!

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Making Firebreathers

Last night we had a tough group in that got an equally tough workout! We talk a lot about how our workouts can be scaled to any individual’s fitness level. One only needs to come to our boot camp sessions to see the wide spread of ages, backgrounds and fitness levels doing essentially the same workout. When we talk about scaling, it is usually in the context of making it easier…well this crew got a taste of an “up-scaled” workout! We call our most fit individuals “Firebreathers” since they can take anything we throw at them. We have very high standards in order to attain that title. Not one of these athletes came to us from another training program. We forged them ourselves using our training methods and their dedication and work ethic. Anyone can reach Firebreather status, just remember, you get what you put in!




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Learning Some New Exercises on Saturday

Tonya is headed to Army Air Assault school on Sunday at 7AM and came in to learn a little more about ropes prior to arriving at Ft Campbell. This Army ROTC cadet will be exiting an helicopter within a week.
We figured she might need to learn some box jumps as well, Good luck Tonya!
Eric doing the Rogue version of a KB “Hot Potato”
J doing KB thrusters with Eric hitting the power ropes in the background

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The Chipper strikes again!

The Chipper made a surprise appearance at Roguefitness Friday morning. The Chipper is a collection of functional lifts, and jumps, that pushes the victim (all of our Rogue warriors) to a new level of fitness. A special welcome to Darleen, Tracie, and Beth who took time to workout Rogue style at 0630AM Great job!

Tobey once again proved that ultimately she is tougher than the rest of our staff, as she took what could only be labeled a spill. However in true Rogue style Tobey pressed on overcoming all obstacles, good work Tobey!

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"Helen? Huh? What's a WOD?"

That is a good question. WOD is CrossFit for Workout Of the Day. We distinguish ourselves from the rest of the fitness industry, in one way, by providing a fresh stimulus everyday through a new combination of movements performed at relatively high intensity, also known as a workout. Hence, workout of the day. WOD. Cool huh? Yesterday we did a combination of functional movements, including throws and powerlifting movements, as part of a short obstacle course, done for rounds. Today, we did Helen (scaled to individual fitness levels of course). She is one of CrossFit’s benchmark workouts, one of the few that you see more than once. The “girls” or named workouts serve as guides to gauge progress empirically. Times don’t lie, and neither does the whiteboard they get written on. Come and see how you rank, scaled or not!

For more on the CrossFit girls, click this link





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Sport Based Training

The highly varied functional movement theory used in CrossFit workouts definitely was shown today! We used a variety of new movements performed Fight Gone Bad style. FGB, as we like to call it, is a classic CF workout that is based on a Mixed Martial Arts fighter’s highly demanding athletic needs. Spreading out exercises across five minute rounds and getting as many reps as possible with this many people around you is very effective, motivating, and dare I say fun!




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Diversity in Training

Here is Chris training for his MMA fight coming up soon. We really pour it on this guy and he continues to build. I feel for the guy that shows up in the ring with him!
Steve in his fourth fundamentals training class. He is doing kettlebell passes mixed with swings and hang cleans. This is truly the best way to learn the movements before you start the Boot Camp classes. If you have any questions about how they work just email me:

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