Take a look at this crew!
Check out the new rope! This is after the Highland Games training!
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Take a look at this crew!
Check out the new rope! This is after the Highland Games training!
Troy is getting better, watch out for the back Flip!
Tonight’s classes were great, it is great to see everyone make the improvements so quickly. I don’t think I can say any one person has made more progress than the other. The competition in the Level 2 class was great, Caroline beat her son J! If you ever want a testimonial, talk to her! Great work to the Thomas family!
I was bored the other day and decided to buy some Indo boards, now I am trying to figure out what to do with them. Eric jumped right on the board and fell right off, twice!
Now I am intrigued, somehow fit this into our Highland Games training. Throwing from the Indo Board?
The word of the day was…..STRICT. As a coach I have the opportunity to see people sometimes sacrifice the quality of a lift for the quantity. This is immediately apparent to me the moment I walk in a mainstream gym. Crossfit is an art, and just like any art, it takes great patience to perfect. Tonight we made great headway, many of our clients hit PR’s on their deadlifts. Not only that, but they found out what truly strict pushups and squats are. Great work to all of the levels tonight!
Rogue Staff
Sara doing the kettlebell high swing!
Caroline following suit!
This video is from HyperFit USA http://www.hyperfitusa.com
Great video of Doug’s entire class working on the deadlift!
Everyday I hear of people that think our workouts are too hard, they are only as hard as you make them. We teach functional movements that allow the women pictured above to look and feel stronger. I strongly encourage anyone that is interested to schedule a free 30 minute introduction session to learn more about our program. If it is for you then sign up, if not then hopefully you pursue some other physical activity!
If you would like one of the women that works out here to give you an introductory class, just email me. I am certain they would love to tell you about CrossFit and Russian Kettlebells.
We will be adding rowing classes and boot camp classes after the first of the year! Look for more information for the first ever Rogue 6 Week Boot Camp!
Give me a call or email:
Bill Henniger
Alot of strong work went on today at Rogue! I think the pictures speak for themselves…
Great class, everyone learned the snatch, kettlebell flip and the “tater”. We did a quick 15 minute kettlebell workout after we learned the skills.
If you have no idea what the kettlebell classes are like or just want to know more about our program, just call: 614-358-6190 or Email: bill@roguefitness.com
A little warmup after the kids workout!
Spencer and Sam enjoying a nice run in with the battling ropes!
We held an Intro Class, open O-lifting and then a Tabata workout. Great day, we had the opportunity to train Victoria’s kids along with the Mueller clan. I think I am being told to hold a kids class.
Check out this link: http://www.biertijd.com/mediaplayer/?itemid=4262
Cara must be drinking the same Kool-Aid that Mike is!
I would bet that Tonya whips up on the guys at the next PT test!
The ROTC group enjoyed the benchmark Hero workout, “Josh”
Mike has officially turned the corner, expect this guy to be a firebreather in no time!!!
Mike is using a 32Kilo kettlebell, holy ****!