If you go to any good restaurant most likely some where behind the scenes someone is trying to use the fewest amount of ingredients as possible. Our latest creation does just that:
New S-1, S-2 & S-3 Squat Stands
The base is the same across all three squat stands, here are some of many options:
1) Height: 70”, 90”, 108”
2) Pullup Bar on S-2 & 3: You can use the 1.25” OD bars or get the 2” OD bar – Just flip the bar over
3) Dip Station: All new Rogue Matador Dip attachment – This uses our new channel system to attach to the S-2 & 3
4) Safety Arms: The base on the new stands is 48” deep so you can use the new Safety arms on all three versions
5) Plate Storage: Add single or double plate storage to the new unit
We wanted to design a system that you can modify to your training needs and now it is here. With the portability of this system, we can ship it via UPS ground and save a ton on shipping as well.
The feedback has been great so far and we are looking forward to bringing out more attachments for this to include a Yoke conversion kit!
The most frequently asked question is can you do pullups on this without it rocking. The answer is yes but if you plan on doing the kipping type pullup then you need to secure it by using the plate storage, sandbagging or with our new bolt down feet. Check out a vid of our kipping on the S-3 demo.
Things are gearing up for a huge wave of new equipment, so keep an eye on our facebook page! We are hiring more welders regularly now to keep up with everything, thanks to all of you for making that possible!