Sara doing the kettlebell high swing!
Caroline following suit!
This video is from HyperFit USA
Great video of Doug’s entire class working on the deadlift!
Everyday I hear of people that think our workouts are too hard, they are only as hard as you make them. We teach functional movements that allow the women pictured above to look and feel stronger. I strongly encourage anyone that is interested to schedule a free 30 minute introduction session to learn more about our program. If it is for you then sign up, if not then hopefully you pursue some other physical activity!
If you would like one of the women that works out here to give you an introductory class, just email me. I am certain they would love to tell you about CrossFit and Russian Kettlebells.
We will be adding rowing classes and boot camp classes after the first of the year! Look for more information for the first ever Rogue 6 Week Boot Camp!
Give me a call or email:
Bill Henniger