Impressive weekend! RT @caitymatter: So pumped for Cherie Chan!!!!! @CrossFitVerve @CFGSouthWestReg
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Impressive weekend! RT @caitymatter: So pumped for Cherie Chan!!!!! @CrossFitVerve @CFGSouthWestReg
All in the top 6, fighting for the top 3! #RogueAthletes BT @caitymatter: Good luck #Miranda #Hackenbruck #chan #Cherie #Burke @CFGSouthWestReg
RT @CrossFitDC_Andy: Sitting close to the current CF Fittest Man in the World at the Central East Regional.
Send us video! RT @JonColborn: Tried on my new @RogueFitness Do Wins today… can’t wait to get in the gym with them! Bring on the 120kg c+j
You’re welcome! RT @Darden4130: It’s hot and humid! About to sweat it out in the garage. Thank you @RogueFitness for making it possible.
It is one great, great tool. RT @AthleticMotion: @RogueFitness. I’m sold! #mobility #foamroller #rumbleroller
We are the photo of the day! via @CrossFitPhotos Questions about the ROGUE wooden rings?
Send photos when you can! RT @IF_Fit Putting in a pretty major order to @RogueFitness since we’re doubling the size of our gym this month
Email –> when you can. RT @neckpunchers: I broke my barbell doing powercleans yesterday. #bummer @RogueFitness