Oh, Tommy… RT @UteCrossFit: @RogueFitness will u be bringing random non-games equipment to throw off the athletes this year?
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Oh, Tommy… RT @UteCrossFit: @RogueFitness will u be bringing random non-games equipment to throw off the athletes this year?
Nice! RT @josers18: The butchers are here!!! @RogueFitness http://yfrog.com/kelfilj
just left the Home Depot Center to layout the gear for the 2011 CrossFit Games, some place north of 200,000LBS of equipment
Nice! RT @CFsouthcounty: @RogueFitness What do you think of the CFSC & Rogue combo? http://twitpic.com/5ilzxu
RT @Darden4130: I need a bigger garage for more @RogueFitness toys
do you think Rob Orlando should make molds for the Husafell Stone: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Husafell_Stone http://fb.me/DLQUnFvl
RT @Armandi23: @FreeJesseJames You would like @RogueFitness. Heavy metal MADE IN THE USA!
modular climbing walls, do we need them?
now that we made some custom color gear, do you guys want a custom rig page? Build your own setup and color?
it is 116 degrees in Phoenix, that is hot