Have you seen this yet? Don’t miss the opportunity to train with equipment used by the best: http://tinyurl.com/3burac8
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Have you seen this yet? Don’t miss the opportunity to train with equipment used by the best: http://tinyurl.com/3burac8
RT @caitymatter: Working on a pretty cool @RogueFitness project. Awesome helping out others #giveback
Here is one of our commercials, what do you think? http://fb.me/14AbIT9Zy
It’s a great bar RT @Chelssie: squeee I just ordered my Rogue Bella Bar…. http://t.co/iv0fz1I
just sent stock to get bent for a safety squat bar, deadflift bar revisions getting made, new bench for Louie on… http://fb.me/19CBEXrJW
Noted RT @ChrisFSW: @RogueFitness the #FSWFitness will torture test any prototype you’ve got Bill.
first prototype of a New Bar Jack http://fb.me/BqXYA642
Mikko is recovering from a busted eardrum. RT @Adversary153: @RogueFitness Did it ever come out what happened to Miko? Hope nothing major
who wants to try the prototype ring hanger? http://fb.me/AAIWDidP
I posted a new photo to Facebook http://fb.me/14bxkBiBZ