A few days ago someone told me that when you use caps that means you are yelling, so if you see caps that means I am screaming!
Carolyn has come into our facility to train 3-4 days/week for 6 months. She is seen in this picture doing the workout with Kevin, what that means is we don’t have dividing lines! She has little to no fear of working with our top athletes and many times beats them.
Many times our clients will try to figure out how to meet goals, here are the top 2:
1. Lose Fat
2. Gain Muscle
If you want to know, ask Carolyn and she will tell you to work hard and eat meat! We don’t tell our clients to diet and enjoy a life full of starvation. Real simple start on the outskirts of the grocery store, eat meat, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. Dial it in from there but this will help you achieve 75% of your dietary goals. Oh yeah, go out and enjoy your favorite foods every once in a while. What you will find is that McDonalds will repulse you, eat like a Spartan.
We slammed 70LB MMA bags last night, Carolyn subbed ball slams. After the class she stuck around to learn how to get the bag to her shoulder and slam it. Her smile wasn’t right!
I haven’t forgotten about her son J, I just think his mom works a little harder.