Category Archives: Workouts

Saturday Interval Action

Great turnout and effort from everyone today! The class was put through a grueling Tabata interval workout with a variety of functional movments. J brought his mother to this workout for an introduction to functional fitness…Rogue style!

Here’s the original Tabata Interval study on PubMed




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Friday Night Workout

Val and Cara make sure J isn’t cheating! Today was Val’s first day, she was a champ and we can’t wait to see her back on Sunday.

Don’t miss the workouts on Saturday and Sunday, check out our calendar!

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How did we start Rogue Fitness?

We started this in my backyard, my friend Brandt helped me build this. Then I built a platform in my garage
Then Troy and I had our first group workout and we were the only ones in attendance. This did not keep us from pressing on!! We then met Eric Jones and the ROTC crew and began having group workouts at Franklin Park
Just wanted to thank the people that have been there since the start! Oh yeah and thank the people that had to endure the evil workouts that I put people through at the park. They are easy now!

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Who's tougher Tobey or Troy?

With Troy & Eric on military deployment until Thursday, Tobey has been covering the evening classes. I am sure that some thought they would be a little easier, are they?

I got a little feedback today that Tobey holds her own and am putting this up to a little friendly question? I know that on Monday she had Chuck doing “SuperMan” squats while running everone else through a BootCamp class. We all figure that if she can win Chuck over, she is one tough girl.

Post your thoughts!

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Take a look at some of the other CrossFit Affiliates

Doug Chapman at
Doug has a top notch facility in Ann Arbor other than the fact that it is in Michigan! We have been very lucky to have Doug in our corner during our startup, many lessons learned from his successes. If you are ever in Ann Arbor stop in and tell him where you train, just don’t get lost in his 9500 Sq Ft facility.

You have to love teaching young hockey bruisers the finer techniques of hockey.

CrossFit TopsField – Dave & Tara Picardy are great people and have a great crew. If you are ever in Boston stop by!

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Sunday Workout with the Chief's family

We held a small workout on Sunday at 1PM. The Chief brought his family and they worked out with Jaime and Tobey.

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Saturday Workout

The Saturday Crew getting after it!
Wall balls, if you don’t know what they are just ask one of these guys/gals!
Mike and his wife Cara came out today as well, hope you guys enjoyed the workout!

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See You Saturday!

Mike Smith during a group workout, everyone come out for a group workout tomorrow. Should be nice day to do some kettlebell work!

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Classes Picking Up

Classes are getting more and more exciting as people start to pour in from all over and all walks of life. Come and see what all the buzz is about for yourself. This must be experienced to be believed!


The Wednesday 6:30 Boot Camp on line and ready to go!


Taking it to the street.


Troy teaching the art of the handstand pushup to J


Jeff, Jessica, and Jenni (a Krav Maga instructor at CoreTactix) get ready to take on Fight Gone Bad!

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Monday Boot Camp

Troy teaching the skills for tonight’s workout
The Chief, his wife and daughter. Tonight was a great workout, we had a chance to go outside and run everyone through some wall-balls, slam balls and a couple other dynamic movements.

Everyday we are seeing new faces at Rogue!

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