everyone is asking about the gear headed to the Regionals and if we are going to sell it afterwards. There may be… http://fb.me/vQHivnca
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everyone is asking about the gear headed to the Regionals and if we are going to sell it afterwards. There may be… http://fb.me/vQHivnca
New Rogue Crash Mats – 8′ X 6′ X 2″ to run center of the rig http://fb.me/VQIHEq9t
Couldn’t get into the warehouse next-door without power. Had to use Mikkos hammer! http://fb.me/sw4MESGS
the storm knocked out the power to our internet and servers so we are packing gear out but customer service is… http://fb.me/WgqWmP9T
Australia Regional Equipment is up for pre-sale now on https://www.rogueaustralia.com.au/closeout http://fb.me/WgyhPds3
checkout the home for the Central East Regional – 60K sq ft of throwdown space http://fb.me/YAZ7Eod9
Dirty South Regional truck getting packed out now
putting the final touches on the HSPU walls for the CrossFit Regionals http://fb.me/LRBp5bX5
Great video of the Yoke in the CrossFit Journal: http://journal.crossfit.com/2011/05/yokewithcastro.tpl http://fb.me/RijMtSw9
looks like NIKE is trying to trump our deuce and a half http://fb.me/ZS2TE8H5