Rogue Hi-Temp Bumpers are some of the best bumpers in existence. They are virtually indestructible. Plates made in this fashion will likely outlast your lifting career. You can’t break them, no matter how hard you try. The recycled rubber and polymer mixture also gives more than other bumper materials, likely making them easier on floors, but definitely making them quieter when dropped than bumpers made of harder materials.
They have always had just one issue. The recycled material is less dense than other bumpers, so you are limited in how much weight that you can fit on the bar. A standard 20 kg bar can only fit enough bumpers to get to around 400 lbs.
Enter the Rogue 65LB Gorilla Bumpers. They are made from a material that is slightly higher in density than the standard Rogue Hi-Temp bumpers allowing them to reach 65 pounds while only being 4″ thick. A standard bar can fit 4 on each side without collars for a total load of 565 lbs!