What do you get at Rogue?

Zack Even – Esh posted this on CrossFit Underground: http://zacheven-esh.com/

I am curious how many of our clients would tell stories of how they have achieved goals that seemed impossible. Maybe it was Caroline and people told her she should not do this it is too difficult, she just pulled 300lbs on a deadlift and participated in a Level 3 workout. The Whitehall Fire Department has an endless supply of success stories, they filled up our noon class about a month ago. After dealing with Dave’s endless questions about how to duplicate what we do, he did 16 rounds in Cindy today! Dennis and Mongo getting pullups.

Ilya just told us that he started out at 171lbs and now weighs 197 that was his goal to put on muscle. Our advice work hard and eat meat! Pretty simple advice, pretty simple process but a ton of support.

Dan Horn will be posting his results from his weight loss competition, he lost 26lbs and put on 3lbs of muscle. Pretty good stuff, I invite you to meet our clients they love to talk about their experiences at Rogue Fitness!

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