New Classes added to the schedule!

We want to provide classes that meet the skill levels of anyone that is interested in CrossFit, Russian Kettlebells and Rogue training. We have added 5 classes to our schedule to give everyone the opportunity to learn functional fitness.

11AM Saturday Intro Class: This is the best way to get a feel for the program and how we scale workouts. You will learn basic movements that are in all of our classes. We strongly recommend that you attend this class to better understand our programming. This 30 minute session is free!

530PM Level 1 Class: This class will build the fundamentals of our program, all classes are led by an instructor. Level 1 classes are heavy on instruction to build the base you will need prior to entering the Level 2 course. If you decide that you want to only do these classes, the results will undoubtedly be unmatched.

630PM Level 2 Class: CrossFit and Russian Kettlebell work are our main programs that work all ten areas of fitness, which include Cardiovascular and Respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power speed, coordination, agility, balance and accuracy. Crossfit is an incredibly effective method of burning fat and building muscle. We perform functional movements at high intensity, giving you a comprehensive full-body workout in under an hour. Classes are instructor-led and peer-driven, providing an excellent mixture of individual coaching and group motivation. Workouts are constantly varied and unique, ensuring that you always make progress. We combine elements of boot camp workouts, gymnastics (especially rings and floor work), olympic weightlifting, rowing, and running.

We recommend that you attend 10 Level 1 classes or complete the 5 session fundamentals course prior to attending the Level 2 class.

If you have any questions or would like to attend the intro class, please email:

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