Working out once a week, will I progress?

We are frequently asked “If I can only make it once a week will I see improvements?”

The answer is yes and you will see tremendous improvements in your form but you will not achieve what we want you to. If you are paying to train at Rogue we want you in here at least 3 times a week, we make our schedule to work around everyone’s crazy schedule. We will add classes to meet schedules and setup one on one training for those that need it.

Rogue client, Ryan Garn: “I lost 35lbs training with CrossFit in Bill’s garage and recently went to my doctor for a routine checkup only to find all of my health indicators are better than they were when I played high school football. I cannot imagine why anyone would ever go to a Bally’s or Lifetime fitness when you can look forward to a punishing yet rewarding workout at Rogue Fitness”

Ryan was my original “victim” as I learned CrossFit and Russian Kettlebell training.

If you would like to come in and talk with one of our trainers just email me:

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