When people are starting a home gym, and are looking for a cheap squat stand that will do the job, they often end up with a mass produced product that is made in China that will fail within a year of use. This is the case, because of the lack of quality American made options.
Our standard S-Series squat stands are made so that all of the attachments for the Infinity Rigs will fit. For someone who does not need this extra functionality and is just looking for a no-frills squat stand that will take a beating and last forever, the answer has arrived.
The all-new ES-1 Econ Squat Stand.
1) 2×2 11 gauge steel tubing
2) 0.5” holes and hardware – The j-cup holes are 2” on center
3) Simple j-cup adjustment system – no moving parts
4) Lighter and ships easy
5) Same 4’ depth as the S-Series for the stability that people expect from Rogue
6) ⅜” thick j-cup material without the plastic insert
We’ve put 1000 lbs. on the bar to test the capacity. We have options for either decision: the less expensive squat stand or the current S-Series line. The S-Series is the heavy duty modular system with tons of options.
This is an American-made Econ Stand built to compete with the Chinese squat stands that other equipment companies carry. In fact, we even made it ship on our 3 Ships Free program. Buy two Rogue shirts and this and the package will ship for free!