Rogue Grandfather Clock Grip System

The Grandfather Clock Grip System is one of the toughest tests of grip strength that we have come up with. Each grip is a cylinder that resembles the weights in a grandfather clock. It is an even more difficult version of the towel pull-up since the grips will not give or allow you to dig your fingers in for additional leverage. Because of this, the Grandfather Clock grips are unmatched in their ability to improve grip strength for rope climbs. Their shape will also translate into improved grip strength for various odd object lifting.

Like our other grip systems, the straps and carabiners allow these to be attached to almost any implement you can think of to add difficulty to lifting movements or farmer’s walks. This serves two purposes: 1. It allows you to build your grip strength across several movements. 2. If you do not have the grip strength to do pull-ups right away, it allows you to build that strength, by lifting progressively heavier objects.

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